Two strand twists and twist outs are a natural's best friend, but it took me awhile to finally perfect it. I know you're wondering "how can she not know how to do a two strand twist? it's so easy!" Yes, I know but it turns out I wasn't using the right products, and my twists outs would come out dry and frizzy. But this time I used the LOC method (which you can find out about here) and I am loving the results. Keep reading for how I did it.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
I'm becoming a Product Junkie
When I decided to stop flat ironing, I was under the assumption that since I am a cheap person, I could find 1 conditioner, 1 leave in, and 1 styler and be done. I couldn't understand why other naturals were product junkies, and had tons of products on their bathroom sink.
There are so many hair lines marketed towards naturals, each with so many good ingredients that I want to try them all, but I know it isn't feasible on my budget
Here is a list of the products I want to try:
Amauri Hair Growth products (found this on Instagram)- these products are supposed to make your hair grow thicker and longer.
Oyin Handmade- natural hair and body products made with honey
Belle Butters- these are butters for the hair and face
Darcy's Botanicals- a line with natural ingredients that a lot of people like
Chagrin Valley- I want to try their shampoo bars, and their website is VERY helpful
Bobeam- They have shampoo bars that I want to try as well and only $5!
Ynobe Shop- Her marshmallow root leave in sounds amazing (if you didn't know marshmallow root is a great detangler). Plus her products are not expensive.
There are so many hair lines marketed towards naturals, each with so many good ingredients that I want to try them all, but I know it isn't feasible on my budget
Here is a list of the products I want to try:
Amauri Hair Growth products (found this on Instagram)- these products are supposed to make your hair grow thicker and longer.
Oyin Handmade- natural hair and body products made with honey
Belle Butters- these are butters for the hair and face
Darcy's Botanicals- a line with natural ingredients that a lot of people like
Chagrin Valley- I want to try their shampoo bars, and their website is VERY helpful
Bobeam- They have shampoo bars that I want to try as well and only $5!
Ynobe Shop- Her marshmallow root leave in sounds amazing (if you didn't know marshmallow root is a great detangler). Plus her products are not expensive.
Monday, February 25, 2013
"me" Monday: stop comparing yourself to other people
I've noticed that when I see a post on Instagram of a beautiful woman, I start to compare myself to her; "why can't my hair look like that?" "my skin looks horrible compared to hers" etc, but in order to be a better me I need to stop. At the end of the day, I will be the one who is feeling inadequate not the woman in the picture.
How do I stop this feeling?
1. Addressing it: What about this other person is causing me to be jealous? Hair? Clothes? Their lifestyle?
2: Embracing it: Now that I have figured out why I feel certain feelings, I can start working on them. This problem is based on insecurities and lack of confidence; I feel this way because I feel that I am not good enough compared to this other person. Now, I can start to let go of these feelings and work on myself.
3. Ignoring it: Negative influences will only continue being negative if I allow them. For the time being I will get rid of all negative influences, this includes unfollowing people on Twitter and Instagram, if I feel they aren't a positive influence in my life.
How do I stop this feeling?
1. Addressing it: What about this other person is causing me to be jealous? Hair? Clothes? Their lifestyle?
2: Embracing it: Now that I have figured out why I feel certain feelings, I can start working on them. This problem is based on insecurities and lack of confidence; I feel this way because I feel that I am not good enough compared to this other person. Now, I can start to let go of these feelings and work on myself.
3. Ignoring it: Negative influences will only continue being negative if I allow them. For the time being I will get rid of all negative influences, this includes unfollowing people on Twitter and Instagram, if I feel they aren't a positive influence in my life.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
L.O.C. Method?
No I don't mean dreadlocks, I am talking about the method of keeping your hair moisturized. Here's the breakdown:
L: Liquid- water, aka freshly washed hair or you can use a spray bottle to wet your hair
O: Oil- I use olive oil, but you can use Jojoba oil, coconut oil, or whatever oil you prefer for your hair
C: Cream- For this I use a hair butter, like the Oyin Whipped butter, or you can use any cream of your choice to seal in the water and oil
I know some people reverse this and do LCO, but try this out if you notice your hair is losing moisture.
Let me know, did this method work for you?
L: Liquid- water, aka freshly washed hair or you can use a spray bottle to wet your hair
O: Oil- I use olive oil, but you can use Jojoba oil, coconut oil, or whatever oil you prefer for your hair
C: Cream- For this I use a hair butter, like the Oyin Whipped butter, or you can use any cream of your choice to seal in the water and oil
I know some people reverse this and do LCO, but try this out if you notice your hair is losing moisture.
Let me know, did this method work for you?
FMOT (follow me on twitter)
Even though I've had a twitter for a couple of months, I'm still getting used to how it works (the RT's, replies, DM's, favorites, and hash tags). But I think I have a good grip on it now, so please follow me on twitter @tiaj42 that way it will be easier to see when I post new things because I will link them in my tweets.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Relationships: don't let outsiders come between the two of you
I'm pretty sure by know you have heard of the Gabrielle Union, Dwayne Wade, and the alleged mistress situation If you haven't here is the rundown: Some women wrote an open letter to Gabrielle stating details of their affair (the plain tickets that Dwayne's brother bought for her, the nights in the hotel, how she would sleep on her side of the bed, etc) and Gabrielle took to Twitter to talk say that the woman is crazy. I know I'm young, but I know in these type of situations I know it is just best to just ignore the other person. That woman is just looking for attention and trying to get her 15 mins of fame, and by Gabrielle responding, she just fueled a media frenzy. I know it's hard to ignore someone when they are spreading rumors about you that you know are false, of course the natural reaction is to immediately fire back to shut them up. But by doing that, you give that person exactly what they want: attention. This is why if you are on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever social media site you prefer, and someone says something negative just delete that post. Trust me, their anger/disappointment at not being acknowledge will be way better than your anger at what ever they said.
Do not let outsiders come between you and your significant other. Just live your life and be happy, that is the best form of revenge.
Do not let outsiders come between you and your significant other. Just live your life and be happy, that is the best form of revenge.
Reviewing Clear Ultra Shea
I've been focusing on the wrong end of my hair? At least that's what Heidi Klum
and Clear had me thinking. They say the true secret to healthy hair starts at the scalp not the ends. The commercial did its job and I immediately went on the Internet. Luckily I got my hands on some free samples, and I decided to try them out.
Let me tell you before I begin that I did not use their shampoo because it was full of sulfates.
and Clear had me thinking. They say the true secret to healthy hair starts at the scalp not the ends. The commercial did its job and I immediately went on the Internet. Luckily I got my hands on some free samples, and I decided to try them out.
Let me tell you before I begin that I did not use their shampoo because it was full of sulfates.
I got a 4 piece luggage set for only $70!
Head over to your nearest Macy's or go to Macy', for their one day sale. They have some great discounts, and you know me I love getting things cheaper than their regular value. I have to give credit to my mom for this one, she saw the commercial and ran to me and told me we had to go on their website NOW! I was looking for some luggage and I found a 4 piece (two roller suitcases, a duffle bag, and toiletries bag) all for $69.
Do not miss out on this deal!!! Go now!
Do not miss out on this deal!!! Go now!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Please subscribe
The subscription box is on the right (move your mouse over to the black bar on the right, then the bottom button is the subscription one). Instead of having to check here everyday to see if I posted something new, you will get an email.
Monday, February 18, 2013
"me" Monday: learning to be patient
I am guilty of being the person who when they want something, they want it right now. Like college, I cannot wait to get out there and be free, and I want that freedom right now. But after telling my boyfriend this, he said "the only way to rush time is to be patient". I'll admit I was a bit thrown off and confused because he was trying to get philosophical on me.
Anyway, I get the gist of what he's trying to say and I will be putting this on my list of goals for 2013. How will I do this, you ask?
1. Focusing on today rather than the future.
-while it is good to have plans for the future, I tend to think about them so much that I neglect things that are happening now. Example: instead of doing homework or applying to scholarships, I'll be looking at houses I want in the future, and I'll get so involved in that, my homework gets done last minute.
-I will try to make things lists of things that need to be done now, and lists of things that can be done in the future with deadline next to them so that I can prioritize.
- from this list, each day I will check what needs to be done, do my higher priority items, then I can reward myself by looking at hair blogs or something.
Is patience a hurdle you are trying to jump over? What has worked for you?
Anyway, I get the gist of what he's trying to say and I will be putting this on my list of goals for 2013. How will I do this, you ask?
1. Focusing on today rather than the future.
-while it is good to have plans for the future, I tend to think about them so much that I neglect things that are happening now. Example: instead of doing homework or applying to scholarships, I'll be looking at houses I want in the future, and I'll get so involved in that, my homework gets done last minute.
-I will try to make things lists of things that need to be done now, and lists of things that can be done in the future with deadline next to them so that I can prioritize.
- from this list, each day I will check what needs to be done, do my higher priority items, then I can reward myself by looking at hair blogs or something.
Is patience a hurdle you are trying to jump over? What has worked for you?
Sunday, February 17, 2013
What do you guys want to see?
I'm still getting used to this blogging thing, but I've been posting for about 2 weeks and I'd like to hear some of your feedback.
What do you want to see more of:
Life tidbits
College/school tidbits
Hair tidbits
Living on a tight budget
Something totally different?
Leave a comment and let me know.
What do you want to see more of:
Life tidbits
College/school tidbits
Hair tidbits
Living on a tight budget
Something totally different?
Leave a comment and let me know.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Frugal Find Friday- the quest for a SILK satin bonnet
I am in dire need of a satin bonnet and shower cap that will fit all of my hair. So I looked around on the Internet and even posted on KinkyCurlyCoilyMe's Facebook page. I kept seeing people recommend the ebonnets by ebonicurls. They look good and people say they retain moisture, but I do not want to spend $50 on a sleeping cap. Do you know what I could do with a $50!? Keep reading for more details.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Introducing "me" Mondays
I have wanted to make changes in my life for a very long time, and become the "me" I know I can be, but I always put it off. But I figured that since I will be entering adulthood soon (turning 18 in April yay!), there is no better time than this to begin. Also, with the addition of the free workbook about my goals for the year and who I want to be (which you can find in my previous blog post here), I am ready to make changes for the better. So, each Monday I will be updating my progress, and sharing with you tidbit on how you can achieve the life you want, and, of course, with little to no money involved. What is it that I want to change, you ask? Keep reading and find out.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Sulfates are everywhere!
Since I made the decision to stop flat ironing my hair on a regular basis, I have also stopped using shampoos with sulfates. Now I have become obsessed with reading the ingredients on products I use and foods I eat. One day, I decided to look at what was in my body wash and facial cleanser. One of the first ingredients on both was Sodium Lauryeth Sulfate. I had an "aha" moment after that because whenever I wash my face or take a bath, my skin is always irritated or dry. I always thought I had really dry skin, and always had to apply tons of lotion. But after reading the ingredients I realized that if sulfates make my hair dry, then they must be doing the same to my skin.
Now I will be making the switch to sulfate free body products as well.
Now I will be making the switch to sulfate free body products as well.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Aunt Jackie's Curls and Coils Day 2
I used the Curl La La to do a twist out and here are the results:
As you can see, my curls are still defined, still detangled, and, though there was some shrinkage, I still think it came out nice. I think I will purchase the Knot on My Watch and Curl La La.
Making 2013 your best: Achieving Goals
I was checking out one of my new favorite blogs, Curls and Mo, and I decided to read the most recent post entitled Friday's 5 Loves. One of her five loves was a vision board, which I've been meaning to make for the longest. I felt this was a sign, and I will be creating my own vision board. I also saw that she has a weekly series of posts entitled Wealth and Wellness Week, the particular posting I was looking at was Part 2: Setting Your Goals. I've always had huge goals, but my problem was with sticking with them. To help make 2013 be your best year, she included a workbook, written by Susannah Conway.
There are two reasons why I love this workbook:
1. It is free! You can get it here
2. The book is so simple, there is no reason not to go through it and learn something about yourself to make 2013 the year you want it to be.
Check out Curls and Mo's blog
Have you downloaded the book yet? What are your goals for the year?
There are two reasons why I love this workbook:
1. It is free! You can get it here
2. The book is so simple, there is no reason not to go through it and learn something about yourself to make 2013 the year you want it to be.
Check out Curls and Mo's blog
Have you downloaded the book yet? What are your goals for the year?
Friday, February 1, 2013
Aunt Jackie's Coils and Curls

Aunt Jackie's Coils and Coils
I found out about this product through Instagram, (follow me: tiatamjam), and the Knot on My Watch is what got me interested. Knot on My Watch claimed it was an instant detangler, and knowing my struggle with detangling, I had to check it out. Their website is pretty cool, it has advice about hair, and step by step instructions on their products, but I didn't find where I could buy these products. But I came across some samples, and I will review them for you all.
*Since the samples were so small, I decided to just test these products on my bang.
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